We've got a friendly blackbird that does a daily round of the garden. For a few years, we had a magpie with only one working leg, so it hopped around and we'd always say hello. After that, it moved to another tree at the top of the road for a year, then we didn't see it again. I hope Hoppy had simply moved on and is still going strong somewhere.

In other news, I may well do a BFI trial to watch Bagnold. I recollect when it first came out, but it's around that time I stopped watching anything outside of YouTube. I've missed out on SOOOO much in the subsequent years, but I'm all good with that missing out malarkey. 😅

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I love it when you get to know the individual birds that are around regularly. Hoppy sounds like a very cool visitor. We never used to have magpies in our garden but there’s been one hanging around a lot lately haranguing the nests in our trees.

Bagnold is great. Do it. I think I paid £3.50 for it on Prime. Or maybe signed up to some subscription for a free trial and am now paying…😬must check that!

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Jun 12Liked by Penny Harrison

Agree with Casey below! Thanks!

On holiday and loving reading 'The Namesake' by Jhumpa Lahiri

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Oh this one was so jam-packed with recommendations that sparked something in me. Thank you, Penny!

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Thank you for the shout-out. Very kind. I released Life of Bāo - Chapter 8 this morning.


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