Mar 23Liked by Penny Harrison

Hi Penny,

Gina here, I'm new to substack and also had a heck of a time writing my intro. I'm looking forward to digging in deeper and starting to share some of my writings soon. I'm 42 , empty nester, librarian & pet entertainer. I've kept all my journals, poetry, lyrics, book ideas, and school papers through the years. I can't wait to put them out there and see how I can improve, and share these thoughts with the world.

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Hey Gina! We’re the same age. 😊

I so wish I had saved more of my old stuff - that’s amazing that you have yours and I hope it all comes flooding back - and more! X

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Fellow 42-er here, yay all of us!

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Thanks for the motivation to get started! Best wishes!

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Jun 6Liked by Penny Harrison

Hey, hey, hey! 🤩 I’m here because back in the days (when I started my Substack journey, five months ago, maybe?) Substack’s clever engine recommended your posts above all others. Can’t wait what you have in store for us! 💛

In other news, I’m a mom and dog mom, we live in Finland and I’ve been full-time working creative, an entrepreneur, photographer and writer (communication specialist and podcast host mainly) for the past 12 yrs.

Substack is my passion project, sort of. My main goal is to one day earn a living doing this in this (newsletter) form or another. Taking small steps! But each time I push send I can feel the motion forward 🥹

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Hi Penny. Nice intro.

I am serializing a fantasy epic: https://tranithargan.substack.com

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Thanks Nick! 👍

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Hello :) Glad to find your writings and I look forward to getting a cup of tea and reading more. I appreciate you reccommending my substack and hope you find it interesting. I am new to this platform and have fingers crossed it will be more of a natural, easy way of telling people about what I create as an artist in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. I was becoming stressed about the need for everything to be perfect on my socials. Nice to say hi :) Mark

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Hi Mark! Thanks so much for saying hello. : ) I love your work - it’s incredible! I wish I had that talent. So glad you came here to share it, I’m doing my Saturday substack catch up so will be looking at more of yours today. Thank you also for recommending my work. This is a lovely community and I hope we can both build on it in our own ways. 🙌

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You are very kind, and glad to spread the word. Seeing other creatives being creative is just what \i need right now and I am sure I am not the only one!

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Hi Penny, nice to meet you. I've been struggling to write the intro/about me/cv thing and I ended up posting about the open tabs on my phone. I recently joined Substack because I'm so annoyed with some of the recent laws in my country (United States) and I'm expressing my anger through humor, I guess. Very dark humor. Also, I'm torn when it comes to Substack's model regarding paid subscriptions. I want to contribute to everyone I read, but it's not something I can afford to do. I've been thinking about this a lot.

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Hi Winona, great to meet you too! I think a piece on the open tabs on your phone is actually quite a good intro - it’s a great way to get into who someone is and what they’re into 😊.

Don’t worry at all about the subscription model! Hopefully the writers you like will all have a free subscription offer and still have loads for you to immerse yourself in. I don’t think most of us can afford to subscribe to lots of accounts - it’s a balance. Don’t let that put you off being here - you can be a totally free subscriber and build your own readership. I’ll take time to have a read of your words. 🙌

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Thanks for your reply and encouragement!

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Mar 24Liked by Penny Harrison

Hi Penny!

My name is Hana, I'm new to substack and your post about your coffee being paid for by your first subscriber caught my eye. I'm 21, work in environmental health, I'm currently renovating my first house, love to cook, bake, run and read. I love to write and find it very therapeutic, I've previously had a blog on blogspot but am hoping to use substack to write about my five to nine and navigating my 20s. I'm glad I found your page and look forward to reading more of your work 🤗

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Hi Hana! I’m so sorry, I missed your post until now. I’m glad you found me. How is it all going for you here? I’m off to check out your posts 😊

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by Penny Harrison

I'ma duck (obviously) and I ride a bike, which is why my handle is "duck on a bike." The Duck part comes from being a graduate of the University of Oregon, in Eugene, OR here in the northwestern corner of what is still the United States. I live in the center of the state, on the eastern flank of the Cascade mountain range. These mountains are all volcanic. One you might remember is Mount St Helens north of here, in Washington. It wast the last eruption of a Cascade volcanon, on May 18 1980.

That is a relatively recent, when one considers geological time. I just wish Hood, or Jefferson or South Sister would get loose and pop their top. That would be a blast!

I am on Substack because every other social media site is over ran with Marxist Harpies. Also, I like writing for the therapeutic aspect. I'ma write no matter what, and if five or 50 or no one cares, that's fine with me.

My bike is a Rodeo-Labs Trail Donkey, and I like SRAM AXS components. If you know, you know.

I don't know how I got to follow you, but I did and I'm glad I did.

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Oh hey Duck on a Bike. I like ducks. I like bikes I guess, too, though not in the way you do - and I need a new one. My first bike was a Raleigh bluebird (I think) and my dad went crazy cos I stuck stickers all over it. I like you, duck.

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Raleigh is one of the great classic brands. Legendary.

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Hi Penny, I'm Martin, a dad of three who lives in sunny(ish) Bucks after being born and raised in London. I'm a writer, who originally specialised on higher education from all angles. I'm now focused more widely than that. As with everything, that has its pros and cons!

I look forward to digging into your fiction, as I've not read that yet. Grabbing a cuppa for that will be easy, because tea is my one true hobby. I like taking photos of tea leaves that get caught on the lid of my gaiwan, looking like faces staring back at me. I call them Teamoji.

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Hey Martin. I love a cup of tea too - though, I admit, my likes extend as far as a good cup of builders brew (Yorkshire or Yorkshire Gold!) so I just had to look up what a gaiwan was. Thank you for educating me!

I'd love to hear if you manage to read the fiction.

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I'll be giving the fiction a dedicated chunk of my time, so watch this space!

Maybe I'll send some weird tea your way to see if you lean in with interest or recoil in horror. 🤔

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Don’t worry, dear readers. I put appendices on my substack if you ever feel lost!

Thank you for the kind words, Penny. I look forward to reading your voice.

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You too, Nick! Thanks. 🙌

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Sorry for putting my reply on the top level by accident. I’m hogging your thread!

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I didn’t even notice. It’s the kind of thing I’d do too 😀

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Mom of two here also! I’m new to substack and I too have a professional job as a physical therapist but felt I needed to get my creative knowledge out there. This is my first “real” post linked here https://open.substack.com/pub/shannoncalenberg/p/welcome-new-knowledge-new-life?r=3kc5sf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Would love any tips on how to get the word out!

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Hi Penny! My name is Abbi. Is it crazy that I just stumbled upon Writing Life, Writing Fiction maybe half an hour ago and you've already become my favorite on the site? Your writing style makes me feel so comfy and you inspire me a lot already! I am about to graduate college, where I write for a magazine. I dream of writing for big magazines one day, but I also love writing short stories, poetry and the little things that I hope make others feel as comfy as your writing does to me. I can't wait to read more from you!

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Hi Penny… I’m the girl that turned her chair round in your Year 7 form group and forced you to become her friend and has never let you get too far away ever since. As your first writing critic and dedicated fan, I love the honesty of your work, not only because I can validate it is honestly you, but also because you make the rest of us feel normal for being, well normal. I love that you recorded your intro via voice note, it lands so well - maybe LinkedIn should add a feature for a voice note intro; how much more sense of the real person you would get as a potential employer or collaborator. I’m now super excited to download your first novel as an audio book although I also want a signed hardcopy. Keep writing, keep inspiring and keep being you because you are a wonder… love you xx

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As a substack novice, I want to learn by doing. Your site attracted me and inspired me to take that leap. My goal is to share my creativity with others through fiction writing and occasional watercolor. This is my first post on Substack and the beginning of my journey. Like the characters in my fiction books, the first tentative steps begin the journey.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25

Hi Penny,

On a Monday morning in a busy office, I stopped in my tracks and climbed into a bubble of focus to read your latest piece ‘I love who you are’.

I REALLY liked the sentiment. I tend to slice the sugar coating off of most of my communication (I’m a sweet tooth so I just eat it) because I don’t like noise to pollute the message. It can be quite potent though to those who haven’t been acclimated.

I remember asking a girl I liked at uni to tell me what I’m like (I’m curious to know what people think of me) and she said when I smiled it felt like it was just for her. I told her it was. The point being, when you get those distilled truths, your right, they do stay with you.

Well done, keeping writing and keep the voice notes going. You should have a podcast on Radio Four.

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Hi Neil. What a lovely comment - it took me back 😉.

I think I know just the kind of smile that girl meant. Some people in our lives are amazing like that, they make us feel like we’re the only ones in the room and that’s an incredible gift. And I’m pretty sure you have it.

Thank you for being so supportive, it means a lot. More than you know. Voice note on the next post! Get radio 4 onto my substack!! ❤️💫

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Hi Penny! I'm a music producer/solo artist/videomaker/writer recently newly resident in Nottingham after moving here from Bristol (and moving there from London). So happy to come across your Substack, hi!

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Oh hi! I’m so happy you found my substack, too! Hope you’re enjoying Nottingham?

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I am, thank you! I love a fresh new start :) Everyone in workshops and events that I attend trying to not be a total hermit are veryyyyyy young, though, so I've been making friends with the teachers, who are around our age!

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Hi Penny, nice to meet you.

I’m a writer who is serializing an epic fantasy: https://tranithargan.substack.com

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Hey Nick. Great to meet you too. I was just taking a look through your substack. I am always SO impressed by fantasy writers and all that incredible world building. I’m always amazed by how much detail you have to hold on your head when writing in that genre. Thanks for saying hi.

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