I noticed, though I've been out of action too. I've been keeping your emails ready for reading when in a slightly better state of health. Expect several comments in quick succession now!

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Hey!! I noticed you were absent too! Nice to have you back 😊 Hope you’re on the mend….not sure my ramblings will help but thanks for being here.

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Jun 1Liked by Penny Harrison

I definitely missed your posts! Welcome back my cemetery-soul-mate 🤩

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Ahhh thanks Nani! Great to hear from you. Now that I have some time again I can go hang out in the grave yard! 😂

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Yes, It is about the journey, the process.


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I do try to remember! It’s an ongoing process.

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Jun 1Liked by Penny Harrison

Taking a break from anything seems like a good idea if we find ourselves needing that break. I've just done some major editing for a client and realized I was burned out so I'm taking the whole weekend off--and maybe more days than that--before working on the next editing project.

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Enjoy your break Lev and thank you - you’re right. I’m getting good at knowing when to let things slide now and then. 😊

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Loved this. So related to feeling of deflation when finishing a project. Good luck with the dissertation - onward and upward!


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